Category Archives: Feeling lighter

And here I am…

Here I am. Sitting at the computer, typing a new blog post!.

It has been a while hasn’t it? How have you all been?.

I was a little shocked to realise my last post was back in January. Wow. Time really does fly, and I wasn’t necessarily having a load of fun!

Since January, I left my little job at a school. The school was great, the children absolutely wonderful, but the role itself was just a little bit too much for me and the MS. I stuck it out for 2.5 years, willing and hoping I didn’t have to say goodbye to those wonderful children, who made me feel like a ‘big’ kid myself again.

But all great things must come to an end, and all that jazz…

I did find myself another little part time job. Easy commute, and a role where there is no running around or a huge amount of stress. I have been doing OK. Sometimes the fatigue has hit a little, but nothing I can’t manage these days.

And here I am. I don’t have a lot to report. I guess this is why I haven’t sat here at the computer in a while. Music playing, thoughts running around my head, living with a progressive disease which for the time being, is behaving itself. There is a lot going on in my life. Personal things I don’t wish to share. I have been keeping strong. Mentally that is. Physically, hmm. I am getting physio at the moment on my shoulder (not MS related), so my Yoga, weights etc have been non existent for about 6 months. I have been on a few walks, but not enough, and my body likes to tell me so!

However, my shoulder is feeling better. I have kept up my physio at home, and I have more movement in my shoulder again which is amazing. I’ll be on that Yoga mat in a few days to test the shoulder, and fingers crossed my body will be talking to me again, but in a good way!.

So, here I am. I am doing OK.

I hope you are too.

Keep smiling.

Namaste. x